The serenity of administrative and financial managers and asset managers depends on the proper functioning and progress of Sequantis’ mission. The tools used by Sequantis and the rigour of each team member make it possible to provide extremely reliable reports. All passionate about their profession, Sequantis’ employees are also recognized experts in the market. Each regulation has its own internal expert.


Sequantis in French Fintech100

Sequantis in French Fintech100


Ranking by Finance Innovation, Truffle Capital, BPCE, Sopra Banking Software, Sopra Steria, MIND Research (see :

Sequantis tracks the “SBT” portion of portfolios

Sequantis tracks the “SBT” portion of portfolios


To help comply with the Paris agreements (1.5° temperature rise), the "Sequantis Transition Monitor" software tracks the proportion of a portfolio certified by the Science-Based Target initiative.

SFDR Reports – CSSF

SFDR Reports – CSSF


The CSSF of Luxembourg has set up a new reporting system to collect all pre-contractual SFDR data. Sequantis produces the "JSON" file requested by the CSSF by June 15.

Our services

Sequantis Invest - Our services for institutionals investors

Sequantis Invest - Our services for institutionals investors

Sequantis Invest provides dedicated services to institutional investors: insurance companies, mutuals, retirement funds as well as non-profit associations and foundations. The team at Sequantis Invest processes the full financial and accounting dataset, calculating all indicators needed by institutional investors to create all their reports: accounting, financial and regulatory.

Sequantis LT - Our Services for Asset Managers and Distributors

Sequantis LT - Our Services for Asset Managers and Distributors

Sequantis LT is a Regtech company. Its aim: help the asset management companies comply with “inherited” regulatory requirements, the set of directives, laws and regulations that apply to their clients (distributors and institutional investors).